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In addition to colors and sounds  that are useful to slow our breathing and change  our breathing patterns, are wonderful scents like scented candles or incense. Scents are known to trigger memories as well as to assist in meditation. I love lavender, musk, and myrrh, but of course, the choice of scents is as individualized as anything else.

Our Senses


The  psychology of color and sound



Psychologists, musicians, and artists have long understood the value of color and sounds in our life. I  use  sounds and musical  compositions to take me deeper into a trance or meditative state. Sounds of nature, Buddhist or Hindu chants, songs, and ceremonial bells all can bring us deeper into ourselves and relax our bodies , which then allows our chakras(energy centers)  which have become contracted due to stress, to expand. I have found repeatedly that sitting quietly with some meditative music can change my mood, and bring me to higher states of awareness and peace. I recommend New Age artists like Kitaro or Karunesh .  Of course, there are many others and only you can choose the frequency that is right for you.


Each of the seven primary chakras is  characterized by a color and these colors represent the light spectrum.  By surrounding ourselves with calming colors, our conscious and subconscious  minds react by  slowing down our breathing patterns , and thus relaxing our bodies.  By lighting candles of certain colors we can focus on chakra blockages and free the dense energy that prevents freedom of flow.

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