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Psychic Services

Trusting in our instincts can be difficult since we need to determine what they are. Often we ask the question, is it just our imagination and can we trust our feelings? Imagination is thought and thought is energy so everything is real in one dimension or another and thoughts have power to manifest things in the future.


However,instincts are different from imagination as they  consist of feelings  of knowing  that things are already connected and exist together in time and space. We respond naturally to stimuli without having to analyze.  It takes time to  see the subtle differences but they become evident over time.


We all have a higher self  and that higher self is eager to help us evolve and grow. Begin channeling by learning to connect with your higher self. Start by finding an aspect of yourself you truly love and admire and give it a name, that aspect and name will become your gateway to your higher self and allow your crown chakra to open. 




All people can learn to channel for themselves. It is a process of opening up to the universal consciousness and divine energy that connects us to each other and to the cosmos. First, we must understand that we are all particles of light energy and when we attempt to merge them,an actual remembrance of our connection arises from the unconscious. If you wish to connect to someone, in this realm or the next, visualize each of your particles merging and if you have trouble with that build a bridge in your mind. However, all communication of this nature must be based on trusting one's own feelings and instincts.
I am available to teach channeling and to act as a medium for $40.00 per hour.
Years ago, I had a vision of my light merging with another's in  a state of unconditional love. the spiraling of light and the merging ot it created a star. We are stars and the children of stars.
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