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Exploring the universe

" We are in the universe and the universe is in us. "    Neil de Grasse Tyson


The expanding universe


If I had my life to live over again, I would have studied hard and become an astro physicist.  I still might! We are all part of this magnificent universe that was created by love and  is not the result of randomness. Astrologers have long known this and have used their intuition and logic to try to shed light on how the universe influences our lives. I believe that one day science will determine that the very singularity that existed before the Big Bang was the loving and powerful consciousness of God.  In that state, Our Father, did not need physical light to exist in perfect peace. But , love by its very nature, wants to expand so our Father in his infinite wisdom and genius decided the creation of a physical universe could be a display of great love and so there was the Big Bang. It feels like the kundalini exploded like  a supernova.  The energy eventually cooled down to form  gas atoms and atoms merged to form stars and from the creation of stars the elements that we are made from, were created. If we realize that the entire universe is composed of energy centers or chakras that originated in the heart of God, we can get a sense of why the word hot is used when we are attracted to  or love another. Love is literally hot! The galactic web is a wonderful display of the'zillions'  of chakras that connect universal phenomena; it resembles our nervous systems , our cardiovascular systems, and the spirals that compose our cells and DNA. It can be said that the universe is symbolic of us and we are symbolic of it  since matter is often considered to ultimately be an illusion and created in our minds. The archetypes  that represent it all stem from the collective unconscious. Science still seeks to understand the many complexities involved in space/time  as it does to understand more about our minds and bodies and their connections to each other, and we are all fortunate enough to be here at this very  time to be part of that journey!  Amen..

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