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Politics and God

It is very important that we demand increases in minimum wages and not permit decreases in food stamp  or Medicaid appropriations. There is darkness and it will exist as long as we choose not to see it. It needs to be brought into the light; it must be recognized before we can change it. As children of God, we cannot allow starvation to exist anywhere in our world. We must demand justice and equality for all . As we help others we ensure healing for ourselves!

A Rising Tide Raises All Ships

There seems to be much controversy in the new age world about politics.  Some feel that God and politics don't belong together and suggest that focusing on politics just brings us down and makes us judgmental and depressed. Some say that since the physical realm is just an illusion, we feed the illusion by getting involved. Yet, I believe we are responsible to act in way that can end the suffering of humankind as God Wills us to do and Jesus would want us to do. A  Course in Miracles reminds us that  " God is the strength in which I trust" (Lesson 47). Since we are all one in God , thus being all one in love, we can allow love to lead us home.  Jesus commanded his disciples to feed the poor, cast out demons, and heal the sick.  (Matthew,10:8). He shed light on our need to bring darkness  into the light many times throughout his life here.


Marianne Willaimson , author of many books and student/teacher of A Course in Miracles, had run for a seat in the House of Representatives in California. She didn't make it but she has opened a pathway.


Marianne has helped me to realize that it is okay to look at negative energy and try to change it like we would if we had cancer. She also emphasizes that even though this world is an illusion we can work as a spiritual community to transform that illusion. As I heal the pain in my heart brought about by social injustice, she helps me to realize not to get angry or judge the specific individuals who may not have awakened to their source and appear to be so selfish as this only  weakens me ( sometimes I get angry because I fear their power and don't give the power of love enough credit), but , instead, to focus on the evil that exists in our corrupt political system that is maintained by power and money. Unbridled capitalism is dangerous and it allows  the 'lower' socio-economice  classes to be placed in positions that could be considered slavery ; which I consider slavery. One way of transforming the illusion is to  boycott companies that focus only on the acquistion of wealth and could care less about their employees.



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