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Taking Care of our bodies is taking care of our souls

The body is temporary, the spirit is forever. However our bodies act as vehicles  for our souls while we live in this realm and  they deserve to be treated as the  treasures that they are. Of course ,that means eating healthy foods, (I will soon be adding  Mediterrean recipes), exercising, recreational time, relaxing, and of course, loving.  Holding and touching have so much value in our daily lives and in our intimate lives and yet, these necesary elements are devalued since sex has become so commercialized. Pole dancing seems to have replaced the naturally fluid and beautiful movements of belly dancing. We can obtain better heath and and advance our own sense of self-worth and the self-worth of others by recognizing that we don't have to fit into any social sterotypes of beauty. Aging is natural and beautiful and  a few extra pounds should not send someone into an eating disorder. We cannot allow commercialism to make us feel less than. Make health  and well-being your goal and your natural beauty will shine through.

As we evolve, our concept of sex evolves and that means that we should not inhibit sexual expression as long as no one is harmed, especially children. However,  the experience of sex should always be filled with respect and should rise  to the level of loving communication. Without that, we are acting on libido alone, and just as we modify innate feelings of aggression to act civilized, we can modify  our sexual responses as well, to ensure that we are opening all of our chakras.


Pornography  is replacing eroticism aand this is causing multiple issues with intimacy and self worth and sex itself. I have provided a link to Psychology Today



Here is another great piece of information


Related to this topic of healthcare is our need to ensure that the American healthcare system evolves and stops allowing corporate health insurance companies to make blood money. We need to work together to develop equality in healthcare and to develop a universal healthcare system like most of the civilized world.

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