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Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga meditation has been practiced in India for thousands of years and it has made its way to the western world sisnce the 70s. It stemes from the Tantric Tradition. It is based on the knowledge that we have seven primary energy centers that allow the energy to flow from the root chakra(meaning wheel) to the crown chakra and then upwards where it joins with the universal energy of the cosmsos. It is thought to lie dormant at the base of the spine, symbolozed by a coiled snake and once awakened it travels snake like up through the spine. The control of the breath is the catalyst for the awakening of the energy. Chakras remain contracted and blocked when there are emotional and mental issues and when the body becomes relaxed through various means, the chakras open up and the flow is allowed to move, therefore promoting well-being. Many who practice kundalini diligently and with respect for the process develop greater psychic abilites, better use of their cognitive abilities and a greater awareness of their identity in God.

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